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You asked them. I've answered them.

Q: How much is your fee?

A: It depends on the type of ceremony you want.  Take a look at my Services & Fees page here and if that doesn't answer your question, please contact me here.


Q: Do you do weddings in Bali?

A: Yes I do!  I love heading to Bali, so if you are interested in finding out how we can make that happen, then please check out my Bali Weddings page here. If you still have questions after that, please contact me here.


Q: I want to get married quickly. How do I make that happen?

A: You must have a really legitimate reason to get married quickly, i.e. one of you (or both) are moving overseas, or one of you may pass away etc.  Other than that everyone must wait a minimum of 30 days once they have signed, witnessed and lodged the Notice Of Intended Marriage with their celebrant.  If you feel you have a legitimate reason, please feel free to contact me to discuss here.


Q: Does your fee cover all the legal costs of a wedding ceremony?

A: Yes it does.


Q: If I get married in Bali is it legal here in Australia?

A: Marriage in any country is valid anywhere in the world as long as it complies with that country's laws.  i.e. in some countries you may be able to marry at the age of 16. In Australia the legal age is 18, so until you are 18, your marriage would not be recognised in Australia.  If you want to be married according to Australian law, the marriage must be officiated within Australia.  If you are thinking about a Bali wedding, I'm your guy, so for more information, click here.


Q: Do all marriage celebrants have the same training?

A: No.  Marriage celebrants appointed by the Attorney General since 2009 have had to undergo an accredited Certificate IV training course in marriage celebrancy (which took me at least 100 hours study and practical work).  All marriage celebrants have to understand the law surrounding marriage.  Every marriage celebrant also has to undertake a minimum 5 hours of ongoing professional development each year to maintain their qualification.  I suggest you always ask your celebrant whether they have a Certificate IV in Marriage Celebrancy.


Q: What do you look like?

A: You can see images of me marrying people here.


Q: How do I know if you're a good celebrant?

A: The best way is by seeing what other people think - people who I have married. To see reviews from couples I have married, click here, or go to my Facebook page and click on reviews here.


Q: Can I have my children involved in the ceremony?

A: Yes of course. It all depends on their age as to how they can be involved though, so let's sit together and come up with a way that works for you and them.  Check out a couple of articles I wrote about this here.  Contact me here to chat about this.


Q: How do I write my wedding vows?

A: It's not as hard as you think.  I have lots of resources on how to write your vows so that they are unique to you and your partner.  Check out an article I wrote about it here.


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